Spring 2021 arrived with a large percentage of the Western U.S. exhibiting below-average precipitation, in some places a lot below the 15-year mean. Matt Reeves discusses current conditions and potential ecological responses, and Shannon Neibergs analyzes livestock management options, including current cattle markets, hay supply, and herd management scenarios.
Mentioned Resources
- Matt has a periodic spring/summer webinar called Reading the Tea Leaves: www.fs.usda.gov/rmrs/events/tealeaves
- The Fuelcast website is www.fuelcast.net/
- Livestock Forage Program: www.fsa.usda.gov/Assets/USDA-FSA-…p-fact_sheet.pdf
- IRS tax management, weather-related(drought) sales of livestock: ruraltax.org/files-ou/RTEWeathe…lesofLivestock.pdf