AoR 107: SRM Keynote Address, "Working Across Borders" with Tammy VerCauteren & the Ollila Family
AoR 106: SRM Keynote Address "Working Across Disciplines" with Tip Hudson & Jeanne Pfander
AoR 105: Richard and Sharon Kline on Conserving Working Lands in California
AoR 104: SRM Keynote Address "Working Across Eras" with Courtney Taylor & Tim Murphy
AoR 103: Pasture, Range, & Forage (PRF) Insurance with Matt Griffith
AoR 102: Livestock Risk Protection in Practice, with Dick Coon
AoR 101: John Nalivka on Reducing Cattle Marketing Risks
AoR 100: 'Defend the Core' Strategy for Invasive Plants, Jeremy Maestas & Dirac Twidwell, Part 2
AoR 99: 'Defend the Core' Strategy for Invasive Plants, Jeremy Maestas & Dirac Twidwell, Part 1
AoR 98: Advances in Soil Health at SoilCon 2023, with Molly McIlquham
AoR 97: Livestock Risk Protection insurance, with Jack Field & Clay Worden
AoR 96: Charles C Mann, The Americas Before Columbus, Part 2
AoR 95: Charles C Mann, The Americas Before Columbus, Part 1
AoR 94: Current Cattle Market Risks & Opportunities with Shannon Neibergs and Jack Field
AoR 93: After 1492, Nature Rebounds -- William Denevan on the Pristine Myth
AoR 92: What Hath Ocean Currents To Do With Colorado Cattle? with Derner, Augustine, and Raynor
AoR 91: Nathan Sayre essay: "Prospects and Tools for Sustainable Ranching in the Western U.S."
AoR 90: Key Performance Indicators to Measure Ranch Financial Health, with Stan Bevers
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